Thursday, October 7, 2010

OK, I started this blog in a time of need.. A way to express my frustrations or emotions excitment etc. I made it and then skipped out for no good reason. My head spins with things to write all day but I push them aside... I need to make this my time out spot DAILY!!!

Diabetes... That seems to be an everyday topic in this house. I have tons to say about it. I know I'll fill up space here on this blog. There are issues we run into everyday.

Homeschool... This is a new topic for us. This is my first year to homeschool Keeli. I've thought long and hard and finally we did it!! She is enjoying it. Here I can write our day to day routine, and hopefully find other homeschool mommies out there that can relate.

Cooking- do we ever master cooking? Or isn't there always something new to learn. New ways to cook CHICKEN? I have learned a ton about food and just how bad it is since diabetes knocked on our door. I love new recipes but since the hubby and Keeli aren't up for trial foods I have to stick to the basics!

Our oldest daughter is graduating school this year.. TEAR! I can't believe it. I know every parent says the same things when their child is about to become an adult and move away to college but really? Is it really that time? hmmm what can I do with her room when she moves? kidding. I'll cry my eyes out and beg her to be a bum and stay with me. The youngest has already made me that promise so why can't she? Who filled her head with all these goals of medical school? What to do.

Things I need to do. Find a career that allows me to still be the at home mom, dr, caregiver, carb counting, diaper changing, perfect wife, teacher, hairdresser, etc. Is there anything? I stay busy and never accomplish shit! I need to think think think!!

New show I'd like to talk about weekly? The Event. Seems good enough to keep watching. I don't watch it when it airs, I watch it on Demand when the hubby is off. So far, the only complaint I have is the style of the show. One minute we are watching present time the next 3 hours earlier then present then 3 months earlier? Is this a new fad? Do they think this keeps us on the edge of our seats? No it doesn't work for me. I find it a little annoying, lost? anyone? I'll give it the chance I think it deserves. So far I find myself excited to sit and watch it. TV shows aren't given a chance now days so I'm scared to really get into one. So we'll see about this one. Anyone know that is John Ritters son playing the main guy? After learning I can totally see that he looks and sounds like his father.

I need a new book (series) to escape with. I miss Twilight and Sookie, and The Highlander. I need to hunt for some new fake worlds to enter, but I'll only compare the characers to other ones and will they stack up? Probably not. Why couldn't I of been that house wife that had the strange dream and jotted it all down on paper and turn it into millions like that Stephanie chick? Dang it! I probably would have ruined it by not making it so PG... But that's where she made the right choice! A clean love story! Who would of thought all of the twimoms would have been saying to them selves just screw already Edward and Bella? hahaha.

I'm off to cook dinner! Yes, it's chicken....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Just a little about me.... I'm a mother of beautiful girls. I can't complain about my life but boy has it changed over the past 2 years. I decided this was the best way for me to vent on some days, share on others, give advice and recieve advice. I've lived a repeat life everyday is the same day. I can't say it was getting old but maybe I was begining to wonder who am I really. I'd just started a little journal here at the house to try and mentally figure out things about myself. When things around us change it makes us reflect. Well I wrote and wrote and I did start feeling better until I realized most of the stuff I was writing about are the sad depressing things I often think about. This made me stop writing. I'd made plans, there were things I wanted to do, small things to others but huge to me. I knew step by step I could possibly achieve each little goal I'd set. Silly things like drive on the interstate just for the heck of it. Yeah I don't do that. The thought makes me want to chew every finger nail on my 2 hands off. That's just one. I'll get to all the others later.

I wanted to make this blog for one I need a place for mom's, for me. I feel better after I write something down. It's like a release. Now finding the silent time to get my thoughts down will be the big question. I've spent this past month searching endlessly for a place to discuss Type 1 diabetes. See our youngest daughter, Keeli was diagnosed this past month. I knew nothing of Type 1. Everyone's only talked about type 2. Eat right and you'll get better. I only wish that was the treatment for Keeli but no such luck. I'd find message boards, join and then read just to find the last post was dated 2 years ago. Yikes!! Were do people talk about issues like this. I know there are a few places out there but for now this will be my place. I have a lot to say about life... The good and the bad. But I've come to realize when you love your family, no matter how bad things seem in the end it can all be good again. I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog but I'll learn something new every day. I will write each day and introduce my family one at a time and tell their story and mine. I'm excited to write and share with you my beautiful imperfect life...