Saturday, December 10, 2011

Quick Holiday decorations...
I just realized I don't have a wreath on our front door... I had a berry one from last year that I really like but can't seem to remember where I've put it so... I remembered I had an old picture frame that I never use anymore and I painted it a bright teal color and used ribbon to hang pine cones. I have those little balls sitting around so I figured to give it a little more I'd add a few of those. I just hot glued those in the corner. Something fast and a little different to hang up. I'm never good with center pieces. I LOVE a pretty table but we use our table for everything rather it's school, projects, making bows etc.. I can't imagine having to undo and redo a table. I found a pretty basket and threw in some greenery, apples, and pine cones and it fits everything else in the house. I have a little tree sitting in the dinning room that matches the basket. Keeli has been making snow flakes all different colors and I'm going to TRY to hang those this weekend from the ceiling with fishing wire. There isn't mush time left until Christmas is here... We may as well enjoy decorations while they last..

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