Today I'm frustrated. Some days it feels as if we could concur the world. When Keeli's numbers are great and she feels good it makes me feel as if I'm doing something right. When her numbers are high and she feels crappy I feel like a failure. We have great days... some days life seems almost normal. Then there are days where it rules you. I hate to let it but I feel like as a parent my number 1 priority in my life is to make sure I take the best care of Keeli as possible. They teach you not to feel that way. But how can I not? If I didn't put it first then what would happen? Sure she can do all the things other kids do, BUT.... with caution. And when I say that I don't mean she can't run as hard or as fast or that she isn't capable of succeeding in sports or anything else she does in her life, but the fact is she has to take care of her diabetes or there will be a price to pay. The key to managing diabetes is to monitor. If you don't know what your blood sugar is then how can you treat it? Fun days = extra diabetes caution... Sure she has to stop what she's doing to be checked, or have a snack, or drink water... but I try my hardest to prepare her body for any extra activity that she may do... Dealing with diabetes, doctors, insurance, pharmacy companies, and other peoples opinions gets to you after a while. BUT... As George Lopez says.. I've got this!!!! I know I do. I know I can deal with it and do my very best to see to it that Keeli stays healthy. But I can still vent...
I hate that my child will go through this for the rest of her life, but I'm grateful it's a disease that if she takes care of herself that life will be a long life.
I hate that pharmaceutical companies are getting rich off of sick children. They give you shit if you need a prescription filled a little early. Things happen. Sick days may equal extra insulin, more blood sugar check which means extra strips. More shots equal extra syringes. I'm not going to CVS trying to get any extra Oxycontin. I'm getting survival prescriptions for a child. I've never heard of anyone getting high on insulin. Why be so strict. I understand rules, don't get me wrong, but it pisses me off.
I hate that our insurance company gets to decide what prescriptions my child receives. What if one things works better for Keeli?
I hate that I need syringes right now, and for the past 3 days our pharmacy is waiting on a doctor to call it in to be refilled. I took care of this 2 months ago and yet here we sit waiting. I'm so frustrated that there is ALWAYS something like this going on. Thank God for a spare stash I had for "just in case"
When Keeli was first diagnosed we were told she will need 4 shots a day... her prescription was written out for 100 syringes a month. You do the math. What was I supposed to do? reuse? NO... that's not going to happen. I called and asked for more, and they did add 30 more. They tell you blood sugar should be checked 6 times a day... Extra activity, adds more checks, being sick adds more checks, running low, adds more checks, running high adds more checks... We are prescribed 200 test strips a months. Really? On sick days I check her blood sugar between 10-12 times. How many errors do we get in a month? Several! I hate that every time I see an error I feel sick because I'm scared we will run out of strips that much faster. Why do we have to feel that way? Aren't we under enough stress as it is? Thank you piece of shit insurance company for allowing us just enough insulin, strips and syringes to get by.. I love the sick feeling I get at the end of the month EVERY month that we are going to run out of the necessary things to keep our daughter healthy... and alive.
update: I finally got a hold of someone at our endo's office and they called the syringes in. Thank God... I had 1 left!! Taking 3-4 days to get something called in is insane. I couldn't pick the prescription up because I got in the car and my battery was DEAD!! That's fun... Thank you to my sweet sister who picked it up for me. So, the strawberries that I made the other night, that money can go towards a new battery. Isn't life fun?
I hate that my child will go through this for the rest of her life, but I'm grateful it's a disease that if she takes care of herself that life will be a long life.
I hate that pharmaceutical companies are getting rich off of sick children. They give you shit if you need a prescription filled a little early. Things happen. Sick days may equal extra insulin, more blood sugar check which means extra strips. More shots equal extra syringes. I'm not going to CVS trying to get any extra Oxycontin. I'm getting survival prescriptions for a child. I've never heard of anyone getting high on insulin. Why be so strict. I understand rules, don't get me wrong, but it pisses me off.
I hate that our insurance company gets to decide what prescriptions my child receives. What if one things works better for Keeli?
I hate that I need syringes right now, and for the past 3 days our pharmacy is waiting on a doctor to call it in to be refilled. I took care of this 2 months ago and yet here we sit waiting. I'm so frustrated that there is ALWAYS something like this going on. Thank God for a spare stash I had for "just in case"
When Keeli was first diagnosed we were told she will need 4 shots a day... her prescription was written out for 100 syringes a month. You do the math. What was I supposed to do? reuse? NO... that's not going to happen. I called and asked for more, and they did add 30 more. They tell you blood sugar should be checked 6 times a day... Extra activity, adds more checks, being sick adds more checks, running low, adds more checks, running high adds more checks... We are prescribed 200 test strips a months. Really? On sick days I check her blood sugar between 10-12 times. How many errors do we get in a month? Several! I hate that every time I see an error I feel sick because I'm scared we will run out of strips that much faster. Why do we have to feel that way? Aren't we under enough stress as it is? Thank you piece of shit insurance company for allowing us just enough insulin, strips and syringes to get by.. I love the sick feeling I get at the end of the month EVERY month that we are going to run out of the necessary things to keep our daughter healthy... and alive.
update: I finally got a hold of someone at our endo's office and they called the syringes in. Thank God... I had 1 left!! Taking 3-4 days to get something called in is insane. I couldn't pick the prescription up because I got in the car and my battery was DEAD!! That's fun... Thank you to my sweet sister who picked it up for me. So, the strawberries that I made the other night, that money can go towards a new battery. Isn't life fun?
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