Monday, November 7, 2011

Hair bows and sewing

I've decided to make some hair bows. Yeah, I know a million other moms are doing this very thing... But I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm enjoying it. Once I get several made I want to take them to the beauty shop and see if they sell. I figured I'd start small. My main goal is to sew. I love kids clothes. If I can get that crafty bug in me from hair bows maybe I'll get the crafty bug in sewing! I'm excited just thinking about it. Scary part is!! I've never even threaded a sewing machine! When my sweet granny passed away for some reason I was given her old sewing machine. It still looks like new besides the fact it's old as dirt. It's a table sewing machine, and I've used it to sit things on and I've not paid it attention since it was brought to me other then to dust it. So I opened her up and took a gander. It was pretty dusty and needed a good cleaning. I cleaned it up this weekend. It made me sad. Every time I scrubbed I knew I was scrubbing Granny's finger prints off. She used it to mend my Grandfather's pants and shirts and to make little doll clothes. I could see her hands working away while I was looking over it. That made me really want to learn twice as hard. What better machine to start with then hers.

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